Tuesday 14 December 2010

Richard Billingham

"Family photos depict smiling faces... births, weddings, holidays, children's birthday parties. People take pictures of the happy moments in their lives. Someone looking through our photo album would conclude that we had led a joyous, leisurely existence free of tragedy. No one ever takes a photograph of something they want to forget." -One Hour Photo, 2002

Liz Shaking Fist at Ray by Richard Billingham

With some of the images I took in the black and white film project I set myself, I found that there was some relation in subject matter to the work of Richard Billingham.
Richard Billingham photographed members of his family, particularly his father Ray, to use as a basis for his paintings. The images depict scenes from his everyday life. Although the images I created are more optimistic with natural smiles in my family's faces, these images are just as real. As a collection, they build up a family photo album like nobody elses, leaving out the fake smiles and posed family shots. I think this work is very different from typical family shots and therefore can be considered art.

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