Wednesday 8 December 2010

Project 1 - Black and White Photography

These are the results of my experiment with black and white film photography. As I was not overly familiar with my camera, I set everything to automatic but sometimes used the manual focus to focus on the right subject in a more cluttered composition. For a majority of the frames, I chose to depict my family and friends. This is mainly because I have taken lots of pictures of them before and have started to ignore me taking photos of them, therefore I could get some nice candid shots.
I also took some other images of different textures such as clouds, trees and brick walls. I did this so that I could experiment in the darkroom with overlapping negatives to create a double exposure. Unfortunately, because I didn't have time, I was unable to get into the darkroom to take these images further. I would have also liked to play around with photo grams whilst exposing these images but in most of the images, the background is very pale and wouldn't of had the same effect.
Even though I didn't get to fulfill the brief that I set myself, I still feel I have learnt how to use my camera better and I am pleased with my final images.  

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