Saturday 23 October 2010


 I have been fond of Rankin's work for a few years now and quite often look back at his work for reference and inspiration. rankin is a contemporary photographer who has taken photos for many celebrities, even the Queen.
The two images above are from a series of his called Destroy. Here, he has given the artists in the image a copy of their portrait and given them the freedom to "destroy" it how they like. I particulraly like how The Gossip (top) have used marker pens over their faces.

These two images above are a real contrast to Rankin's typical work. He mainly works with digital media but here he goes back to film-based photography. Also, his portfolio is portraiture based but here he photographs nature. Even though they are images of nature in film, they are actually commercial images as they are for an advert for beer.

The image really stands out to me as it reminds me of imahes of Bettie Page by the beach. Here, Heidi Klum is not in the studio, she is on location but still there is artificial light to create a high contrast image. Also, the image has been desaturated because the colour tones are fairly muted.

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