Saturday 23 October 2010

Cross Processing

With many artists I have looked at recently, they use cross processing techniques to create a more surreal look. I looked up how to get the desired effect properly without losing any detail and overkilling it. I first opened the image into Photoshop and then cropped the image so that the composition looked better. I then opened a curves layer and altered the layers as suggested below.

Cross Processing in Photoshop - color negative art effectCross Processing in Photoshop - color negative art effectCross Processing in Photoshop - color negative art effect
I duplicated this layer and altered the blending mode to luminosity and changed the opacity to 60%. This created a subtle contrast. I then added a solid colour layer with a green yellow colour. I changed the blending mode to colour and then changed the opacity to 10%, as only a subtle colour change is needed. I am quite pleased with my final piece but I still feel it isn't quite the aesthetic I want to achieve. I will carry on experimenting with this technique until I am happy with the outcome. 

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