Wednesday 17 November 2010

Disposable Camera Experiment

I found this video on and thought it was a really nice idea and relates to what I want to do. The concept of this experiment is to get the general public to take one frame on the camera of whatever they want and fill the camera in one day. I really like this idea as it is engaging with the public and they got some really beautiful and interesting results, which can be seen here. Instead of asking people in the street to take an image themself, I think it would be a good idea for me as a photographer to take portraits of people that are okay with the idea in one day. I would then post the results onto this blog and give the address of my blog to the people I took a portrait of. I think this will mainly help my confidence in photographing people as well as develop communication skills. Also, in theory I should get some interesting portraits. And providing people actually look at my blog, its also self promotion. I would really like to do this one day in the future, once I have more experience with working with models and feel confident enough to actually go out and take photos of people.

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