Wednesday 17 November 2010

Black + White Photography Magazine Assignment Revisited

I revisited the Black + White Photography magazine assignment I had a go at a few weeks ago. This time I took the idea of shooting nature in the autumn but felt the images were more powerful in colour because of the vibrant warm tones that I captured without any editing. I have recently been playing around with settings on my Canon EOS 450D DSLR and have been experimenting with aperture priority mode. For these images, I set the aperture to the lowest possible F.5 and -1. Although the lowest aperture is the widest and lets more light in, I wanted the images to look like there is plenty of sun and bright. I am pleased with the results, they're are bright and colourful without losing any detail. I would like to play around more with aperture settings and experiemtn with different settings in different light situations.

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