Thursday, 21 October 2010

Exhibition Presentation Review

For my first task for this unit, I had to rpesent my review of the Edgerton exhibition. I decided to display it as a powerpoint presentation, mainly because I want to appear more formal. Also, I think it is very easy to watch esepcially when there isn't too much text and contains pictures that relate to the points I am trying to make, helping the viewer undersatnd my point. I first gathered my information and divided it into sections such as advertising and location. I made bullet points for each section, giving short detail as to what I wanted to say. These worked as a prompt for when I was presenting. I then made a slide for each of my key points, with images to help the viewers visualise my findings.
I felt fairly confident with presenting my work because I have done many presentations in previous education. Also, because I had plenty of notes that were eay to read and written in sections, if I were to stumble, I could recover easily. Luckily, I didn;t really need to use my prompts as I had practiced the presentation a few times prior to presenting and felt confident without the notes. But it is nice to have that reassurance if anything does go wrong. I did feel slightly nervous as I was presenting in front of a new group of people with only six members. I am used to presenting in front of 30 or more people.
I think the presentation went well. I answered questions with confident answers and my audience interacted with me and discussed my points, showing they had an understanding of my research. I think next time I do a presentation, I will use other presentation techniques and find other alternatives to powerpoint.

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